Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Deal of the Day: Israel - A One State Solution (now live on the Kindle Store)

Israel - A One State Solution sheds light on the age-old question of who owns the title deed to the land of Canaan? The book explores Ancient Biblical History, God’s Covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael, Israel – He Who Struggles with God, the History and Control of Palestine Since A.D. 70, The Ezekiel 38 Prophesy, WWI and the Balfour Declaration, the United Nations Plan for Partition of Palestine in 1947 and the re-birth of modern Israel in 1948, The Six-Day War, A Profile of the Promised Land (in ancient and modern times), the Battle for the Template Mount (Mount Moriah), the Current Conflict and Battle for Israel, Moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem, the Role of the United Nations and Conclusions. It also provides a Supplemental Reading list, Complementary Resources, an Appendix on the Timeline of post-A.D. 70 Israel. A must read for all who seek to understand the context for current conflicts in the Middle East over the nation of Israel (aka "He who struggles with God"). I appreciate a "review". Visit:

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

North Korea - Brinkmanship or On the Brink? (live on the Kindle Store)

North Korea has been led by the Kim dynasty since the 1953 United Nations Armistice Agreement was signed ending the Korean conflict. Each successive leader of the Kim family has continued the DPRK's pursuit of WMD, nuclear weapons in particular, while increasing its hostility toward the United States and South Korea. With little intervention by China, North Korea led by Kim Jong-un and the United States President Trump appear on a collision course of military conflict. This eBook provides readers with a concise understanding of this conflict and likely repercussions. Topics include: The Korean Peninsula (Pre-1950), The Korean Conflict (1950-1953), The Armistice Agreement, North Korea’s Leaders, The Axis of Evil, The Statistical Backdrop, WMD in East Asia, China – The Elephant in the Room, US, South Korea and Japan, Scenario 1 –US Places Nukes in South Korea, Scenario 2 - US preemptive Military Strike, Scenario 3 - US Decapitates North Korea’s Leadership, Scenario 4 – US Massive Covert and Cyber Warfare, Conclusions and an Appendix with North Korean Military Installations. A must read for anyone concerned about national security and the stability of East Asia. Purchase your copy today at the Kindle Store